"The composer Eduardo Morales-Caso is a first class creator. The proof of this can be found in the CD of a series of works composed between 1990 and 2006, which the record label Verso has just brought out. In all of them we can find compositional elements of music as a higher art-form of language, of instrumental technique which is not only virtuoso, but also transcendent, of rhythms, harmonies, contrasts, expressivity....,- which only the music of a great composer is capable of achieving".
Andrés Ruiz Tarrazona [Erudite music critic; Diverdi Nº 169- April 2008]
"El compositor Eduardo Morales-Caso es un creador de primer línea. Lo prueba bien el CD que el sello verso acaba de lanzar al mercado con una serie de obras compuestas entre 1990 y 2006. En todas ellas encontramos elementos constitutivos de la música como arte superior –de lenguaje, de técnica instrumental no sólo virtuosa sino trascendente, de ritmos, armonía, contrastes, expresividad- que sólo la escritura de un gran músico es capaz de conseguir".
Andrés Ruiz Tarrazona [Erudito crítico musical; Diverdi Nº 169- April 2008]
"Morales-Caso´s style, marked by an expansive and communicative creative freedom, in which influences and references are nothing other than the artist´s capacity of perception and selection within the surrounding sound landscape which nourishes his exceptional compositional imagination”.
Victoria Eli Rodríguez [Exceptional compositional imagination, Sibila 25 – Octubre 2007]
“En el estilo de Eduardo Morales-Caso hay un amplio nivel de elecciones […], que le brindan gran libertad creativa, donde influencias y referencias no son otra cosa que la capacidad de recepción y selección del artista del paisaje sonoro circundante que alimentan su excepcional invención compositiva”.
Victoria Eli Rodríguez [Excepcional invención compositiva, Sibila 25 – Octubre 2007]
"My first iTunes purchase binge in 2008 resulted in the discovery of Eduardo Morales-Caso. What a goldmine! Writing with imagination, fantasy and virtuosity, Eduardo won over my musical heart. Our friendship (in the grand tradition of composer-performer part-nerships of the past) has yielded several important works. Concierto de La Herradura, quite simply a masterpiece, is no exception. It transcends comparison to other guitar concertos, in my opinion, and arguably ranks among the great concertos of our time".
Adam Levin [Introduction to the Notes of the CD “21st Century Spanish Guitar. Vol 4” by Adam Levin]
"Mi primera compra compulsiva en iTunes en 2008 resultó ser el descubrimiento de Eduardo Morales-Caso. ¡Qué mina de oro! Escribiendo con imaginación, fantasía y virtuosismo, Eduardo se ganó mi corazón musical. Nuestra amistad (en la gran tradición del estrecho vínculo entre compositor e intérprete) ha producido varias obras importantes. El Concierto de La Herradura, simplemente una obra maestra, no es una excepción, en mi opinión, trasciende la comparación con otros conciertos para guitarra y podría decirse que se encuentra entre los grandes conciertos de nuestro tiempo".
Adam Levin [Introducción a las Notas del CD “Guitarra Española del Siglo XXI. Volumen 4” de Adam Levin]
"Composer Eduardo Morales-Caso is a rare artist of exceptional talent who for the past decade has been making a significant contribution to the classical guitar with many attractive works for solo guitar, flute and guitar, and voice and guitar among others. Morales-Caso also has an extensive catalogue of compositions which include works for solo piano as well as orchestral and chamber music which has helped bring a great depth to his guitar compositions. There has been a growing demand for his music since his piece “El Jardin de Lindaraja” won first prize in the XIV Andres Segovia international composition competition for classical guitar in 2003. His music is contemplative, inventive, and stirs the imagination offering a new and exciting departure from the usual idiomatic repertoire. He is an expert at bringing out the dynamic and tonal possibilities of the guitar through his imaginative use of harmonics, colors and timbres, lush and extended harmonies, and exciting rhythms, proving he has a true gift for expressing his musical genius through the guitar.
Fuego De La Luna is a new CD featuring the music of Morales-Caso, and it also brings guitarist Adam Levin into the spotlight. Levin, a Fulbright Scholar, spent time in Spain researching modern Spanish repertoire and worked with the composer himself. This no doubt adds a dimension to the recording as Levin plays with expert precision and a deep understanding and connection with the music.
“El Jardin de Lindaraja” is a very attractive piece, a fantasy that pushes and pulls the guitar in many directions while bringing out almost every tonal capability and timbre the guitar has to offer. This piece is ternary in its structure and opens with a very imaginative introduction that delivers rich colors, creating a mysterious dream-like atmosphere. Then BANG, the next section of the piece begins and it is the exact opposite, filled with running scales, arpeggios, and intense rhythmically strummed chords which draw the listener to the edge of their seat. This is a very dynamic piece of alternating lyrical and rhythmic sections pushing the boundaries and the dynamic possibilities of the guitar. Levin’s passion for this music is quite clear as he performs with great precision, thoughtfulness, expression, and with what is no doubt a masterful technique.
“Homenajes” is a cycle of three pieces for voice and guitar which Morales-Caso describes as his “most meaningful lyrical-musical offering to the historical continuity of the transcendental legacy of Spanish composition.” “ Homenaje part I (Joaquin Rodrigo)” is a rhythmic song mingled with moments of unexpected baroque style counterpoint capturing the precise and rhythmic style Rodrigo is known for. “Homenaje part II (Frederic Mompou)” is a beautifully lyrical piece gently stirring up many familiar musical fragments and bits from Morales-Caso’s catalog. “Homenaje Part III (Manuel De Falla)” is the most intricate guitar part of the three song cycle and is very Spanish in nature. It has many impressive scale passages, aggressive strumming as well as a strong and passionate vocal part. Levin plays with amazing tone and clarity perfectly complementing soprano Lorna Windsor’s lyrical grace.
“El Jinete Azul” is a piece for classical guitar and string quartet and homage to the Russian painter Wassily Kandinsky, a forerunner of lyrical abstraction. This piece is fantasy-like in its form and alternates between periods of solo guitar and solo ensemble. This music is written with great artistic expression and paints an obscure yet poetic landscape bringing a depth to the guitar world not often heard. It no doubt is a great addition to the lacking repertoire for original chamber music featuring guitar. Levin and the Assai Quartet deliver an amazing performance creating an intriguing and beautiful atmosphere.
Fuego De La Luna is the new CD featuring music of composer Eduardo Morales-Caso. A step above many of his contemporaries, his attractive pieces have a delicacy, fire, and display a dreamy and sonorous character of great inventiveness which make this some of the finest music being composed for the instrument. Guitarist Adam Levin delivers a brilliant performance throughout and will no doubt become the authority on what is likely to be a popular addition to many concerts, recitals, and recordings".
Brad Conroy [Guitar International - April 2012]
“Adam Levin’s most recent recording, "Fuego De La Luna," showcases the extraordinary compositions of Spanish composer Eduardo Morales-Caso. Levin is a consummate classical performer, educator, and musical emissary. He earned a Masters in Music from the New England Conservatory, as well as a Fulbright Scholarship and an Albert Schweitzer fellowship. Levin’s innovative playing is the perfect vehicle for documenting Morales-Caso’s adventurous music. The compositions are imaginative, passionate, and expansive. The album begins with the mesmerizing "Diabolical Rumours," which sets the stage for the recording. The piece is dramatic, vivacious, and sonorous, exploring the limitless harmonic intricacies of the instrument. The reflective "Samskara" features intimate embellishments followed by powerful symphonic overtures. The album concludes with the defiant "El Jinete Azul" finding the guitarist flanked by a very talented string quartet. "Fuego De La Luna" is an ambitious recording with bold, audacious compositions enthusiastically performed by Levin. Although at times challenging, the music herein is full of sonic rewards for adventurous listeners”.
James Scott [Mínor 7th – November 2011]
"La música de Morales-Caso es grande porque lo que tiene que decir lo dice por extenso, necesita el discurso, pero es un discurso ameno, fluido, fantasioso, inflamado, dramático. Un discurso abierto, coherente, visceral, espectacular, de una narratividad tan visual que resulta más cinematográfica o pictórica que literaria (en este sentido, le he escuchado hablar de cortes, en lugar de movimientos). Dramatismo, grande, visual y potente, lleno de oscuridades y penumbras habitadas por una infinidad de seres sensibles entre los que uno diría que ocurren cosas serias, transcendentes, altamente comunicativas, ballets imaginarios. Y Morales-Caso es capaz de escribir canciones, como el magnífico homenaje a Joaquín Rodrigo en el que se homenajea también el repertorio vihuelístico del siglo XVI perfectamente asimilado y magistralmente actualizado, o su homenaje a Falla con una Nana dramática de un lenguaje curiosamente turiniano. En realidad, el complejo de influencias que operan en la música de Morales-Caso, para tramar finalmente un estilo compositivo altamente reconocible y personal, es uno de los elementos más atractivos de su música".
Javier Suárez-Pajares [De fuegos, sueños y fantasías, Diverdi – Nº 210 – Enero 2012]
“En el estilo de Eduardo Morales-Caso hay un amplio nivel de elecciones […], que le brindan gran libertad creativa, donde influencias y referencias no son otra cosa que la capacidad de recepción y selección del artista del paisaje sonoro circundante que alimentan su excepcional invención compositiva”.
Victoria Eli Rodríguez [Excepcional invención compositiva, Sibila 25 – Octubre 2007]
“Una auténtica sorpresa. De las favorables. El compositor Eduardo Morales-Caso […], es un creador de primera línea. Lo prueba bien el CD que el sello Verso acaba de lanzar al mercado con una serie de obras compuestas entre 1990 y 2006. […]
En todas ellas encontramos elementos constitutivos de la música como arte superior- de lenguaje, de técnica instrumental no solo virtuosa sino trascendente, de ritmos, armonías, contrastes, expresividad…, - que sólo la escritura de un gran músico es capaz de conseguir” […]
Andrés Ruiz Tarazona [Diverdi Nº 169 – Abril 2008
“La descarnada poética de Eduardo Morales-Caso, cuajada de un turbador lirismo, adquiere plena expresión en la escritura para instrumentos a solo y en el trabajo de la voz. Las obras aquí recogidas, por lo tanto, vienen a reflejar idealmente la plenitud de su arte con una admirable economía de medios. Los solistas convocados, con la transgresora Pilar Jurado a la cabeza del elenco, ensalzan con honda elocuencia y virtuosismo los valores mediterráneos presentes en su música. El disco ideal para conocer a uno de nuestros mejores valedores”.
Diverdi Nº 169 – Abril 2008
Andrés Ruiz Tarrazona [Erudite music critic; Diverdi Nº 169- April 2008]
"El compositor Eduardo Morales-Caso es un creador de primer línea. Lo prueba bien el CD que el sello verso acaba de lanzar al mercado con una serie de obras compuestas entre 1990 y 2006. En todas ellas encontramos elementos constitutivos de la música como arte superior –de lenguaje, de técnica instrumental no sólo virtuosa sino trascendente, de ritmos, armonía, contrastes, expresividad- que sólo la escritura de un gran músico es capaz de conseguir".
Andrés Ruiz Tarrazona [Erudito crítico musical; Diverdi Nº 169- April 2008]
"Morales-Caso´s style, marked by an expansive and communicative creative freedom, in which influences and references are nothing other than the artist´s capacity of perception and selection within the surrounding sound landscape which nourishes his exceptional compositional imagination”.
Victoria Eli Rodríguez [Exceptional compositional imagination, Sibila 25 – Octubre 2007]
“En el estilo de Eduardo Morales-Caso hay un amplio nivel de elecciones […], que le brindan gran libertad creativa, donde influencias y referencias no son otra cosa que la capacidad de recepción y selección del artista del paisaje sonoro circundante que alimentan su excepcional invención compositiva”.
Victoria Eli Rodríguez [Excepcional invención compositiva, Sibila 25 – Octubre 2007]
"My first iTunes purchase binge in 2008 resulted in the discovery of Eduardo Morales-Caso. What a goldmine! Writing with imagination, fantasy and virtuosity, Eduardo won over my musical heart. Our friendship (in the grand tradition of composer-performer part-nerships of the past) has yielded several important works. Concierto de La Herradura, quite simply a masterpiece, is no exception. It transcends comparison to other guitar concertos, in my opinion, and arguably ranks among the great concertos of our time".
Adam Levin [Introduction to the Notes of the CD “21st Century Spanish Guitar. Vol 4” by Adam Levin]
"Mi primera compra compulsiva en iTunes en 2008 resultó ser el descubrimiento de Eduardo Morales-Caso. ¡Qué mina de oro! Escribiendo con imaginación, fantasía y virtuosismo, Eduardo se ganó mi corazón musical. Nuestra amistad (en la gran tradición del estrecho vínculo entre compositor e intérprete) ha producido varias obras importantes. El Concierto de La Herradura, simplemente una obra maestra, no es una excepción, en mi opinión, trasciende la comparación con otros conciertos para guitarra y podría decirse que se encuentra entre los grandes conciertos de nuestro tiempo".
Adam Levin [Introducción a las Notas del CD “Guitarra Española del Siglo XXI. Volumen 4” de Adam Levin]
"Composer Eduardo Morales-Caso is a rare artist of exceptional talent who for the past decade has been making a significant contribution to the classical guitar with many attractive works for solo guitar, flute and guitar, and voice and guitar among others. Morales-Caso also has an extensive catalogue of compositions which include works for solo piano as well as orchestral and chamber music which has helped bring a great depth to his guitar compositions. There has been a growing demand for his music since his piece “El Jardin de Lindaraja” won first prize in the XIV Andres Segovia international composition competition for classical guitar in 2003. His music is contemplative, inventive, and stirs the imagination offering a new and exciting departure from the usual idiomatic repertoire. He is an expert at bringing out the dynamic and tonal possibilities of the guitar through his imaginative use of harmonics, colors and timbres, lush and extended harmonies, and exciting rhythms, proving he has a true gift for expressing his musical genius through the guitar.
Fuego De La Luna is a new CD featuring the music of Morales-Caso, and it also brings guitarist Adam Levin into the spotlight. Levin, a Fulbright Scholar, spent time in Spain researching modern Spanish repertoire and worked with the composer himself. This no doubt adds a dimension to the recording as Levin plays with expert precision and a deep understanding and connection with the music.
“El Jardin de Lindaraja” is a very attractive piece, a fantasy that pushes and pulls the guitar in many directions while bringing out almost every tonal capability and timbre the guitar has to offer. This piece is ternary in its structure and opens with a very imaginative introduction that delivers rich colors, creating a mysterious dream-like atmosphere. Then BANG, the next section of the piece begins and it is the exact opposite, filled with running scales, arpeggios, and intense rhythmically strummed chords which draw the listener to the edge of their seat. This is a very dynamic piece of alternating lyrical and rhythmic sections pushing the boundaries and the dynamic possibilities of the guitar. Levin’s passion for this music is quite clear as he performs with great precision, thoughtfulness, expression, and with what is no doubt a masterful technique.
“Homenajes” is a cycle of three pieces for voice and guitar which Morales-Caso describes as his “most meaningful lyrical-musical offering to the historical continuity of the transcendental legacy of Spanish composition.” “ Homenaje part I (Joaquin Rodrigo)” is a rhythmic song mingled with moments of unexpected baroque style counterpoint capturing the precise and rhythmic style Rodrigo is known for. “Homenaje part II (Frederic Mompou)” is a beautifully lyrical piece gently stirring up many familiar musical fragments and bits from Morales-Caso’s catalog. “Homenaje Part III (Manuel De Falla)” is the most intricate guitar part of the three song cycle and is very Spanish in nature. It has many impressive scale passages, aggressive strumming as well as a strong and passionate vocal part. Levin plays with amazing tone and clarity perfectly complementing soprano Lorna Windsor’s lyrical grace.
“El Jinete Azul” is a piece for classical guitar and string quartet and homage to the Russian painter Wassily Kandinsky, a forerunner of lyrical abstraction. This piece is fantasy-like in its form and alternates between periods of solo guitar and solo ensemble. This music is written with great artistic expression and paints an obscure yet poetic landscape bringing a depth to the guitar world not often heard. It no doubt is a great addition to the lacking repertoire for original chamber music featuring guitar. Levin and the Assai Quartet deliver an amazing performance creating an intriguing and beautiful atmosphere.
Fuego De La Luna is the new CD featuring music of composer Eduardo Morales-Caso. A step above many of his contemporaries, his attractive pieces have a delicacy, fire, and display a dreamy and sonorous character of great inventiveness which make this some of the finest music being composed for the instrument. Guitarist Adam Levin delivers a brilliant performance throughout and will no doubt become the authority on what is likely to be a popular addition to many concerts, recitals, and recordings".
Brad Conroy [Guitar International - April 2012]
“Adam Levin’s most recent recording, "Fuego De La Luna," showcases the extraordinary compositions of Spanish composer Eduardo Morales-Caso. Levin is a consummate classical performer, educator, and musical emissary. He earned a Masters in Music from the New England Conservatory, as well as a Fulbright Scholarship and an Albert Schweitzer fellowship. Levin’s innovative playing is the perfect vehicle for documenting Morales-Caso’s adventurous music. The compositions are imaginative, passionate, and expansive. The album begins with the mesmerizing "Diabolical Rumours," which sets the stage for the recording. The piece is dramatic, vivacious, and sonorous, exploring the limitless harmonic intricacies of the instrument. The reflective "Samskara" features intimate embellishments followed by powerful symphonic overtures. The album concludes with the defiant "El Jinete Azul" finding the guitarist flanked by a very talented string quartet. "Fuego De La Luna" is an ambitious recording with bold, audacious compositions enthusiastically performed by Levin. Although at times challenging, the music herein is full of sonic rewards for adventurous listeners”.
James Scott [Mínor 7th – November 2011]
"La música de Morales-Caso es grande porque lo que tiene que decir lo dice por extenso, necesita el discurso, pero es un discurso ameno, fluido, fantasioso, inflamado, dramático. Un discurso abierto, coherente, visceral, espectacular, de una narratividad tan visual que resulta más cinematográfica o pictórica que literaria (en este sentido, le he escuchado hablar de cortes, en lugar de movimientos). Dramatismo, grande, visual y potente, lleno de oscuridades y penumbras habitadas por una infinidad de seres sensibles entre los que uno diría que ocurren cosas serias, transcendentes, altamente comunicativas, ballets imaginarios. Y Morales-Caso es capaz de escribir canciones, como el magnífico homenaje a Joaquín Rodrigo en el que se homenajea también el repertorio vihuelístico del siglo XVI perfectamente asimilado y magistralmente actualizado, o su homenaje a Falla con una Nana dramática de un lenguaje curiosamente turiniano. En realidad, el complejo de influencias que operan en la música de Morales-Caso, para tramar finalmente un estilo compositivo altamente reconocible y personal, es uno de los elementos más atractivos de su música".
Javier Suárez-Pajares [De fuegos, sueños y fantasías, Diverdi – Nº 210 – Enero 2012]
“En el estilo de Eduardo Morales-Caso hay un amplio nivel de elecciones […], que le brindan gran libertad creativa, donde influencias y referencias no son otra cosa que la capacidad de recepción y selección del artista del paisaje sonoro circundante que alimentan su excepcional invención compositiva”.
Victoria Eli Rodríguez [Excepcional invención compositiva, Sibila 25 – Octubre 2007]
“Una auténtica sorpresa. De las favorables. El compositor Eduardo Morales-Caso […], es un creador de primera línea. Lo prueba bien el CD que el sello Verso acaba de lanzar al mercado con una serie de obras compuestas entre 1990 y 2006. […]
En todas ellas encontramos elementos constitutivos de la música como arte superior- de lenguaje, de técnica instrumental no solo virtuosa sino trascendente, de ritmos, armonías, contrastes, expresividad…, - que sólo la escritura de un gran músico es capaz de conseguir” […]
Andrés Ruiz Tarazona [Diverdi Nº 169 – Abril 2008
“La descarnada poética de Eduardo Morales-Caso, cuajada de un turbador lirismo, adquiere plena expresión en la escritura para instrumentos a solo y en el trabajo de la voz. Las obras aquí recogidas, por lo tanto, vienen a reflejar idealmente la plenitud de su arte con una admirable economía de medios. Los solistas convocados, con la transgresora Pilar Jurado a la cabeza del elenco, ensalzan con honda elocuencia y virtuosismo los valores mediterráneos presentes en su música. El disco ideal para conocer a uno de nuestros mejores valedores”.
Diverdi Nº 169 – Abril 2008